Strategic Management
Institutional Planning
The institutional Planning process is aimed at defining the course and the approach how the entity will achieve its mission-stages through the conception, formalization and execution of plans, programs, and projects. Such process has the following elements:
National Plan of Development; component about Science, Technology, and Innovation. The National Plan of Development 2006-2010, Communitary State: development for everybody; establishes medium-term guidelines in terms of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the actors of the CTI National System.
Strategic Institutional Plan. In 2007, Colciencias worked on the formulation process of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2007-2010 based on the guidelines provided by PND, and in accordance with the institutional mission and vision. For each CTI national objective, the strategic Plan sets out the guidelines, strategies, and programs aimed at reaching such objectives.
Annual Plan of Action. This is the tool that allows each one of the entity departments to direct their processes, instruments and available resources toward the accomplishment of annual objectives and goals by means of the execution of projects and actions to be carried out throughout the year. It establishes how, when, and who will reach the institutional objectives and goals set out in the Strategic Plan and the National Plan of Development.
Investment Projects. These are the projects directed by Colciencias, which implement the development and governmental plans, and might be financed or co-financed with resources of the Nation General Budget. This process is carried out through Banco de Programas y Proyectos de Inversión Nacional (Bank of National Investment Programs and Projects) -BPIN-. The schedule for its implementation is an integral part of the Annual Plan of Action.
Follow up and Evaluation of the Institutional Plans, Programs, and Projects. The results accomplished through the taken course of actions are evaluated by the entities; likewise, the progress in the plan of action is compared with the expected results of the strategic plan in order to make the necessary arrangements, keeping record of these modifications to make a comparative analysis in the progress. These modifications are written, and the main indicators are analyzed.
National Programs of Science and Technology PNCyT. These programs set out strategic plans that, starting in 2009, will establish the guidelines and priorities of research, technological development and innovation as well as the formation of researchers by sectors in order to guide the use of resources within a political and strategic medium-term framework, (4 to 6 years).